Product Obsolescence Notification: LS-25 “A” Series

Effective March 16, 2020

To All Lumistar Customers:

This Notice is intended to provide all Lumistar customers that the “A” series of the 2nd generation LS-25-P2 and LS-25-D2 Receiver/Downconverter products will be obsolete after May 30, 2020. Beyond this date, Lumistar will no longer manufacture and sell the “A” series of these products. 

Both product series will be replaced in all cases with 100% conformance to form/fit/function of the “A” series with the “B” series of the LS-25-P2 / LS-25-D2 products.

The “A” series of the LS-25-P2(D2) calls for four (4) customer specified IF filter bandwidths. The “B” series calls for a standard of twelve (12) Lumistar specified IF filters. In all possible cases, the use of twelve IF filters will accommodate all possible use cases. No change in any specification or parameter of the “B” series of the LS-25-P2(D2) is required to accommodate this notice.

The IF filter values that are supplied on the “B” series have always been and will remain as follows: 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20 MHz

Model Number LS-25-PAS is replaced by LS-25-PBS
Model Number LS-25-PALUS is replaced by LS-25-PBLUS
Model Number LS-25-DAS is replaced by LS-25-DBS
Model Number LS-25-DALUS is replaced by LS-25-DBLUS

The data sheet of the LS-25-P2 and LS-25-D2 can be found at the following links:

Thank you for your interest in Lumistar products. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned or our local Sales Channel Partner in your area.

Click here for Product Obsolescense Notification LS-25-P A-series (PDF)

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