Webinar – Revolutionary Size Reductions in Ground Telemetry and Airborne Data Re-Transmission Station

please plan to attend Lumistar’s Webinar presenting 
“Revolutionary Size Reductions in Ground Telemetry and Airborne Data Re-Transmission Stations” 
Thursday 13th August 2020, 11am EDT (8am PDT / 4:00pm BST)

Less than 20 years ago, a typical telemetry ground station used for Flight Test applications was 8 feet tall, weighed 250 kg, consumed several thousands of watts electrical power, was difficult to operate, & had poor reliability. Today’s revolutionary modular telemetry products from Lumistar reduce the entire system envelope down to a hand-held product, under 1 kg and 50 watts. These revolutionary size / weight / power reductions also offer significant advantages in the use of airborne telemetry receiving and re-radiation systems. By attending the webinar, you will be introduced to the cutting edge next generation benefits of Lumistar’s new Modular technology.

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Ben SampsonBen Sampson
Aerospace Testing International
Mark McWhorterMark McWhorter
Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Lumistar, Inc.
View Biography

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